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Search Engine Optimization

CyberSquad  will construct your site using design features to enhance your search engine ratings.  For search engine registration service, we constantly shop for 3rd party specialists, and will procure and manage these services for you.  Here is some advice to help you understand search engine issues:
How Pages Are Ranked
Search engines such as Google® crawl millions of web pages, and puts the information into a massive database.  When a user searches using a target string, or "target", they return results to relevant information in order of apparent relevancy.  Having your site listed at the top of these results will provide increased traffic for your site.

As search engines do their magic, they look at various factors.  For instance, consider the title of a site.  If a Google user's search string words are found in the title, that page will be ranked higher in the search engine results than a site without the keyword in the title.  Although search engine companies provide web site developers some guidance, the full formula for ranking pages is considered proprietary information to search engine companies.

Various factors in obtaining high search engine rankings follow:

Where are the target words used in the page, and are they visible?  If the target word are visible near the top of the page, in the title or insider header tags ... that adds to relevance.  Putting the target in the ALT descriptors for graphic images can help.

How frequently is the keyword used?  Generally, higher frequency make a page relevant.  However, if the words are hidden and used too often, the search engine may think you're spamming and actually decrease your ranking.

Choice of Keywords
Selection of appropriate keywords are vital to achieving high search engine rank. 
Obviously, the "keyword" meta-tag should always be used, with the "robots" meta-tag allowing the engines to crawl the site.  Keyword phrases should be at least two or more words long, and keywords should not repeat ... much if at all.  Usually, a single word will return many sites, and most will not be relevant to the user's interest.

Only words used in a given page should be used the the keyword meta-tag content string.

Overall Web Site Promotion Strategy
Search engines are only one component of an overall web site promotion strategy.  Internet users also find sites by traditional advertising, magazines, chat room postings, web directories and links from other sites.  By working with these other forms of promotion, you can increase traffic, and that increased traffic is itself a factor in search engine rankings.

Certainly try to get other sites to link to you, and ask them to use your preferred target string.  When popular sites link to you, the search engine database ranks you higher. 

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